The Monster We Need To Stop

Photo credit: simplyalero Studies in the charts of the violation and abuse of the girl child increases at a remarkable rate everyday. Especially, those who fall within the age brackets of ( 8-12 ), ( 12-16 ), and above. Wow! You will be alarmed to know that these acts molestation, sexual offences, and, abuse of the female gender increases with each day that passes by, and it's like has happened, and it's like we sweep under the carpet. Little or zero attention is given to this matter arising and issues concerning these young girls; the pain they go through, the shame they live with, and the fear they face, is only known by them, and they carry it with them every day. RAPE - this is an act whereby someone is being forced by another person to have sex when they do not want to, against their wish, without their consent, by threatening or use of violence. MOLESTATION - this is an act in which somebody is being subjected to unwanted sexual advances and activity, especiall...