Monday Motivation

Meet *Gossy Ukanwoke* The 24 year old young entrepreneur who puts tech into higher learning... He's the founder of Beni American University (BAU), Nigeria’s first private online university, which launched late in 2012. The online school allows students to access their classes at any time of the day with any internet-enabled device. His goal is to teach Africa with online amd offline school system. *#TalkAboutSheerBrilliance #CelebratingNaija'sAwesomeness #NigeriansMakingGoodHistory #MondayMotivation #GreatnessLivesHere#InnovatingEducation #BeInspired #BelieveInYou #YouCanDoMore #PushConsistently #BeBetterEveryDay #DiscoverYourGenius #SimplyAleroMotivates#SimplyAleroBlogspot*